It’s 2019 and every time you turn around a new fitness program is in front of you. During my first 5 years of fitness and working out, I tried dozens of these programs in hopes of finding a miracle. I stuck with all of them for a legitimate period of time. Most of these worked to some degree, but in the end I felt like I couldn’t find the exact program or routine that stood out. Then it hit me, don’t chase the “miracle workout program,” chase the one you LOVE to do! This is what it comes down to, if you are putting in the work, the workout will work. So now all you have to do is pick which workout style you like the most.
My personal workout routine consists of 2 days of good old fashioned weight lifting, 2 days of “functional” type training and 1 day of sports such as basketball or tennis. You probably already have somewhat of a grasp on weight training as we have seen many of these movements such as Bench Press or Squats being done for years. These are great for building muscle and strengthening the body. You also probably don’t need any recommendations on what to do as far as sports that can help get you in shape. What I want to focus on, is “functional training” and firefighting.
The act of firefighting itself is one of the toughest jobs on the planet. We go from sitting down eating dinner or even asleep at night, to inside a burning building in less than 5 minutes. Our heart rate goes from a normal resting rate to sky-high immediately. To be in peak “fire shape,” you need to be strong in both aerobic and anaerobic output. With this being the case, this doesn’t mean that you need to give up the workout routine that you love, cause let’s be honest, when we love it we keep doing it. This just means that you need to add in one or two quick “functional” training style workouts per week.
If you are wondering where to start, start with these workouts below. Fire Science Nutrition has partnered with other companies in the Fire Service who share a common goal of improving firefighter health and focus on giving back. Check out @igotyour6nyc and @555fitness on Instagram for great workout ideas that don’t take forever to complete. These can be done quickly and easily but when completed 2-3 times per week you can see great improvements.
The first workout looks simple, but it’s brutal. This is brought to you by @igotyour6nyc who create great workouts for firefighters and those looking to train like one. The second workout comes from @555fitness which is a great company who create workouts and apparel for firefighters and donate the proceeds back to fire departments in the form of workout equipment. 555 firefighter fitness has been a leader in improving the health of firefighters and the Fire Service.

The Fire Science Standard -
6:00 AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible (in that given time).
1 Burpee = Begin in a standing position, squat down and put your hands on the ground, then kick your feet back as if you are in a plank position while keeping your arms are extended. Complete a push-up and then immediately return your feet into the squat position and stand up.
1 Air Squat = From a standing position, squat down until your quads are parallel with the ground, keep your arms out in front of you for balance.
You have now completed 1 round. Now add 1 rep to each movement after each round, see how many rounds you can get in 6 minutes!
The 555 Standard -
5 Rounds For Time = As fast as you can complete 5 rounds.
15 Air Squats = (see definition above).
15 Burpees = (see definition above).
15 Hand-Release Push-ups = Complete a normal Push-up, however at the bottom of the movement, rest your chest against the ground and briefly lift your hands off the ground. Then push back up.
In the end, the best workout program is the one that you do. But if you are looking for a few extra ideas and want to add an edge to your firefighting body, start with these!